Byrne Creek Streamkeepers Society
Emergency Resources:
City of Burnaby 24-hour Engineering Emergency Hotline at 604-294-7200:
If you see a spill or other problem with the creek, please contact the City of Burnaby 24-hour dispatch line.
Report Habitat and Fishing violations to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Observe, Record, Report center:
DFO’s ORR email address
DFO’s ORR phone line (1-800-465-4336)
BC's RAPP line (1-877-952-7277).
Streamkeeping Resources:
Pacific Streamkeepers Federation
Provides streamkeeper training and other resources
Community Advisors (CAs), Department of Fisheries and Oceans
CAs provide resources, training, and assistance to volunteer streamkeeper groups across BC
Find your CA here: